US Conveys Its Military To India From Europe

Update: 2020-06-26 14:00 GMT
United States President Donald Trump is a fierce opposer of Dargon Country China. He even supported India in the violent standoff with the Chinese Troops and the US intelligence alleged that China directed its troops to launch an attack on Indian troops.

Despite the Indo-Chinese border situations reduced to an extent, the US is doubting that one more attack might take place. Following this, the US asked its military to shift its base from Europe.

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the nation took this call to help other nations if war arises.

He went on to say that, the actions of the Chinese Communist Party hints at countries like  India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the South China Sea facing threats.

The comments of US Secretary and President gives a strong message that if China stages a war, the US would support India. This new development might leave China in a state of confusion.

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