Pink Slips For People Without Skills?

The experts of these fields claim that the employees and freshers need to constantly update their skills and learn new technologies.

Update: 2024-09-10 09:36 GMT

There are massive layoffs happening in tech companies these days. It has become quite common for IT companies to take away jobs of regular employees in the name of cost cutting and productive work with limited staff policies. The arrival of Artificial Intelligence made things even worse for them.

The experts of these fields claim that the employees and freshers need to constantly update their skills and learn new technologies. Staying put with old skills will definitely lead to them getting pink slips in no time. They are stating that development of skills in the field of cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, Crowd Computing, Machine Learning, Black Chain and others are definitely necessary.

According to Forbes, “Today's workers must constantly upskill themselves to stay relevant and employable. There was a time when companies trained their employees through professional development. However, that shifted to employees bearing the cost and responsibility for preparing themselves. Now there's a move toward shared responsibility. Companies realize they must train employees within budget, and workers know they have to keep their skills current.”

Wayne Elsey who is the founder of Funds2Org Group mentioned in Forbes that, “Soft skills build and demonstrate your character and help you work harmoniously with others. Since the pandemic, collaborative tools such as Zoom have become an integral part of everyday work life. If AI or automation is a part of your team's workflow, employees have to find new ways to collaborate, communicate clearly with their colleagues and creatively problem-solve using the latest tools.”


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