Kyrgyzstan Horror: Students Left The Country For Safety?

Some of them sustained serious injuries and the videos took the social media by storm.

Update: 2024-05-24 13:54 GMT

In what could be a shocker, foreign students were subjected to attack in Asian country Kyrgyzstan. A small fight between the locals and foreign students escalated quickly and foreign students were attacked. They were attacked in their hostels. The spine-chilling videos went viral on social media.

Recently,a shocking incident came to light in Kyrgyzstan where students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and others were attacked. Some of them sustained serious injuries and the videos took the social media by storm.

Due to the ongoing situation, it is being reported that the students are in fear for their safety. As a safety measure, they reportedly left the nation. Hundreds of students are believed to have left the nation. Students want to leave the country at the earliest.

After the students were attacked inside their hostels, they left the country. Popular news outlet NDTV said that hundreds of students left the nation They went to their respective countries to be safe from further attacks.

It is reported that the students left Kyrgyzstan as a few countries arranged special flights to help students come to their motherland. As the situation is very sensitive there they might or might not return to Kyrgyzstan. We might get clarity on this soon.

The media reports quoted a few students as saying that what happened was a nightmare as they were attacked in their hostels. The mob entered the premises and attacked them. Students who went there for higher studies faced a big shock with this.

The local administration is said to have put some serious efforts into addressing the issue by holding crucial meetings. However, the situation continues to be tense even after the meetings and efforts.

Kyrgyzstan is a preferred destination for students for medical studies just like Ukraine. With low cost, Kyrgyzstan offers medicine courses and students prefer it.

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