Indian cricketer KL Rahul was found hanging out with 'Savyasachi' Actress Niddhi Agerwal in Mumbai few days ago. Link-Up Rumours have spread like wildfire because of couple pictures featuring them.
KL Rahul finally broke his silence to end the speculations in circulation. He told, 'Me and Niddhi Agerwal knew each other from a long time. We are just good friends. Can't a guy and girl be close pals? There were few more people with us but only we are highlighted deliberately'.
The Opener made it clear he would not hide if he is in a relationship with a Woman. 'I treat My Woman like a princess, won't hide,' he said.
Rahul appreciated Niddhi Agerwal for the progress she has been making in the chosen field. He confirmed both of them are from the same city, Bengaluru.
KL Rahul finally broke his silence to end the speculations in circulation. He told, 'Me and Niddhi Agerwal knew each other from a long time. We are just good friends. Can't a guy and girl be close pals? There were few more people with us but only we are highlighted deliberately'.
The Opener made it clear he would not hide if he is in a relationship with a Woman. 'I treat My Woman like a princess, won't hide,' he said.
Rahul appreciated Niddhi Agerwal for the progress she has been making in the chosen field. He confirmed both of them are from the same city, Bengaluru.