Veteran Tollywood writer Ganesh Patro breathed his last the other day. Its 19 days before his death, This film personality has sent an SMS to Actor-cum-Writer Gollapudi Maruthi Rao whom he considers as his mentor.
Ganesh Patro's SMS: "Dear Maruti, I've admitted to hospital for an oral surgery. You're my Guru. You had never shown your disinterest in enjoying Guntur's Lanka Tobacco (Chutta). Also you had never turned down having fun with betel quid with tobacco (Calcutta Patta tho Kattina Jarda Killi with Kashmir Kimaam). Bad always come along with good. God will bless the one who quits the bad habits soon after discovering them. Fortunately, you did so. One who can't give up bad habits will reach the God. You have to explain this to your sons- Patro".
Soon after receiving the message, Gollapudi made attempts to come in touch with Ganesh Patro over phone but with much difficulty he told 'I can't speak for a month. Sorry Maruthi'.
Gollapudi sent an SMS to Ganesh Patro on January 2nd to know if he is recovering and came to know its too late for recovery.
Ganesh Patro's SMS: "Dear Maruti, I've admitted to hospital for an oral surgery. You're my Guru. You had never shown your disinterest in enjoying Guntur's Lanka Tobacco (Chutta). Also you had never turned down having fun with betel quid with tobacco (Calcutta Patta tho Kattina Jarda Killi with Kashmir Kimaam). Bad always come along with good. God will bless the one who quits the bad habits soon after discovering them. Fortunately, you did so. One who can't give up bad habits will reach the God. You have to explain this to your sons- Patro".
Soon after receiving the message, Gollapudi made attempts to come in touch with Ganesh Patro over phone but with much difficulty he told 'I can't speak for a month. Sorry Maruthi'.
Gollapudi sent an SMS to Ganesh Patro on January 2nd to know if he is recovering and came to know its too late for recovery.