The landmark film of Balakrishna 'Gautamiputra Satakarni' was launched on a grand scale few months ago. The film unit landed in Morocco on 8th May for 40 days schedule and they kick started the shooting today.
In this schedule, one of three major war sequences of the film will be shot and as per reports several international artists and technicians have been roped in for the action scenes. Fight masters Ram-Lakshman is choreographing the action episodes and some Hollywood stars also going to take part in shoot.
Four tons of material weapons, war outfits has been shipped for this particular war sequence. The team will be back to India in the last week of June 2016. Director Krish was reportedly very happy with the first day shoot. Makers are planning to release the film on 12th January, 2017 on the eve of Sankranthi festival.
In this schedule, one of three major war sequences of the film will be shot and as per reports several international artists and technicians have been roped in for the action scenes. Fight masters Ram-Lakshman is choreographing the action episodes and some Hollywood stars also going to take part in shoot.
Four tons of material weapons, war outfits has been shipped for this particular war sequence. The team will be back to India in the last week of June 2016. Director Krish was reportedly very happy with the first day shoot. Makers are planning to release the film on 12th January, 2017 on the eve of Sankranthi festival.