Kiara Advani took the internet by storm with the two-piece bikini picture shared by her on the Instagram. Could you believe that the post received 1 lakh likes in less than half-an-hour? Netizens just can't stop praising the beauty and curves of the Leggy Lass. If the picture shot from behind could do so much, Imagine what might happen if the camera focusses on the frontal part. This day belongs to Kiara without any doubt. And all those publicity-cravers can delay their scheduled programs on Dec 28th to an another day as it's not gonna be easy to divert the attention of public from this bikini treat.
No Filmmaker had explore this bold angle in Kiara Advani so far. It would be really interesting to see how Boyapati Seenu presented her in 'Vinaya Vidheya Rama'.
No Filmmaker had explore this bold angle in Kiara Advani so far. It would be really interesting to see how Boyapati Seenu presented her in 'Vinaya Vidheya Rama'.