Hero Ram is giving chance to his hot lady named Aisha Sharma, sister of hot beauty Neha Sharma, who debuted through Ram Charans Chirutha. Aisha is a known face in the modelling circuits for her ad campaigns to Lakme and other noted brands. This girl is not just a beautiful lady but hot lass.
Flaunting her tempting curves, here is Aisha oozing loads of seductiveness on the countrys youths. The 5 feet 7 inch lady has some terrific world-class measurements that flatter anyone. After having a superb stint with ad-world and modelling, she is now debuting as heroine with Rams Sivam that will be directed by Srinivas Reddy.
Flaunting her tempting curves, here is Aisha oozing loads of seductiveness on the countrys youths. The 5 feet 7 inch lady has some terrific world-class measurements that flatter anyone. After having a superb stint with ad-world and modelling, she is now debuting as heroine with Rams Sivam that will be directed by Srinivas Reddy.