Rogue Villain Turns Hero For D/o Kabali

Update: 2017-05-10 12:21 GMT
Thakur Anoop Singh became familiar to Telugu audience with films like 'Singam 2'.. 'Rogue'.. 'Winner'.  He has impressed the audience with his looks as well as villainism.  This young actor has signed another film now.. surprisingly it't not a villain role.

Thakur Anoop Singh is getting ready to romance Sai Dhansika, who played the daughter role of Rajinikanth in 'Kabali'.   This movie is going to be made as a Telugu-Kannada bilingual. Thakur Anoop Singh is saying that he is not a bad guy.. but a very good guy in real life and he is extremely happy to do a film as a hero.   He is hopeful that this movie will showcase other side of his acting talent.

While speaking about this film he said that "Director Sunil Kumar Desai watched me in 'Rogue' audio function.. he felt that I will be suitable for his story as a hero.  This is a suspense thriller..  with a love connection.  I'm doing a role where I'll be ready to sacrifice my life for love.  I've already dubbed my characters in Telugu.  I'm going to dub in Kannada for this film now".

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