The very mention of Hyderabad reminds the iconic cyber towers of Hitech city. Constructed during the period of then united Chief minister Chandrababu Naidu the Cyber Towers always boasts the grandeur. Even Chandrabbau used to highlight them in all his speeches and presentation when he was severed as CM for united AP.
But things got changed now. As part of Telangana second anniversary celebrations the state government has issued mammoth advertisements in all leading newspaper in which they boasted about the achievements in last two years. The advertisement highlights about KCR's vision of Golden Telangana.
All historical monuments including Charminar Buddha statue were shown as part of advertisement but what surprised many is the absence of Cyber towers. The iconic towers were not seen as part of the KCR's vision of Golden Telangana. Is it a deliberate attempt of TRS govt to remove memories of Naidu from peopleâs mind?
But things got changed now. As part of Telangana second anniversary celebrations the state government has issued mammoth advertisements in all leading newspaper in which they boasted about the achievements in last two years. The advertisement highlights about KCR's vision of Golden Telangana.
All historical monuments including Charminar Buddha statue were shown as part of advertisement but what surprised many is the absence of Cyber towers. The iconic towers were not seen as part of the KCR's vision of Golden Telangana. Is it a deliberate attempt of TRS govt to remove memories of Naidu from peopleâs mind?