KTR Reveals About Lockdown On Twitter

Update: 2020-04-11 05:08 GMT
Telangana Minister K. T. Rama Rao uses the social media often to interact with the people. On Friday, KTR spoke to people in a quick chat session on Twitter. He asked the people to use the #AskKTR hashtag to express their views with him.

When a person asked about the extension of the lockdown, KTR said, "I am personally for extension for a couple of weeks. But it's a collective decision of the Govt in consultation with other stakeholders."

KTR replied to another user's question on the lesson that learned through this pandemic. He said, "Right now I am just happy that nature is healing & planet is breathing easy. I think we will have a new way of life where each of us will have to maintain self-discipline.

He also wants to impose this lockdown Yearly once for about 10 days, if the whole world agrees with it.

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