All four people accused in the rape and murder of woman veterinarian in Telangana have been killed in an encounter with the police. Telangana CM KCR, Telangana police and Cyberabad Commissioner of Police VC Sajjanar are being hailed on the daring act. Tollywood celebrities too took it to twitter to express their opinion saying that justice has been served. several actors have responded on the encounter with the term 'Justice Served.'
Justice served. Rest in peace Disha.
Allu Arjun
Justice served.
A city needs one rowdy and that rowdy should be the police.
I love TELANGANA. Fear is a great solution and sometimes the only solution
Locals had showered rose petals on Police personnel at the spot where accused in the rape and murder of the woman veterinarian were killed in an encounter People celebrate and cheer for police at the encounter site. Neighbours of the woman veterinarian, tie rakhi to Police personnel.
Justice served. Rest in peace Disha.
Allu Arjun
Justice served.
A city needs one rowdy and that rowdy should be the police.
I love TELANGANA. Fear is a great solution and sometimes the only solution
Locals had showered rose petals on Police personnel at the spot where accused in the rape and murder of the woman veterinarian were killed in an encounter People celebrate and cheer for police at the encounter site. Neighbours of the woman veterinarian, tie rakhi to Police personnel.