Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Sunday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitely and Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu for conveying their best wishes after she assumed the office for the fifth time.
In her letters to the trio, Jayalalithaa said: "I thank you for your congratulations and good wishes on my being sworn in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the fifth time. I convey my best wishes to you".
Soon after the swearing-in ceremony, Narendra Modi greeted Jayalalithaa on social netwroking site Twitter. Arun Jaitley, on the other hand, greeted her and assured that Centre is looking forward to maintain best relationship with Tamil Nadu. Chandrababu Naidu went a step ahead and called Jayalalithaa over phone and congratulated her.
In her letters to the trio, Jayalalithaa said: "I thank you for your congratulations and good wishes on my being sworn in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the fifth time. I convey my best wishes to you".
Soon after the swearing-in ceremony, Narendra Modi greeted Jayalalithaa on social netwroking site Twitter. Arun Jaitley, on the other hand, greeted her and assured that Centre is looking forward to maintain best relationship with Tamil Nadu. Chandrababu Naidu went a step ahead and called Jayalalithaa over phone and congratulated her.