Why is Vizag Sarada Peetham seer so powerful?

Update: 2022-04-27 06:09 GMT
Swami Swaroopananda, the seer of the Vizag Sarada Peetham, is the flavour of the season these days. He is the most sought-after person in AP. Unlike other Swamis and seers, who take advantage of the proximity to the powers that be, Swaroopananda is seen as someone who doesn't ask anything for himself. He is also seen as someone who is not afraid of speaking his mind even to the tallest of the politicians.

While all the newly appointed ministers of Jagan's cabinet are making a beeline to the Swami, even leaders from outside AP are flocking to him. Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar came all the way to Vizag just to have a darshan of the seer. He met the seer and held long discussions with him.  Khattar's visit created quite a flutter in the political circles.

Meanwhile, Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik too is said to be a devotee of the seer. In fact, he is reportedly getting a temple constructed for Raja Syamala Devi, the presiding deity of the Sarada Peetham.  Though he has not met the seer personally, sources say that the seer wields considerable influence on the Odisha administration too.

Sources say that Swami Swaroopananda has considerable clout in the AP endowments department. In fact, his word is law in the Vizag Rishikonda Venkateswara Swami temple and Simhachalam temple. Interestingly, despite all this, the Vizag Sarada Peetham seer is never known to ask for favours from the Jagan Government.

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