YCP MLA Announces Retirement Decision

Update: 2019-06-06 09:15 GMT
Speculations are abuzz that Tirupati MLA Bhumana Karunakar Reddy will be one among Jagan's Council Of Ministers. When media quizzed him about the possibility of cabinet berth, Bhumana reacted: 'Representing Tirupati as an MLA is much more greater than the Ministerial Berth. Defeating TDP in Tirupati isn't a small thing at all. I am thankful to all the party workers who contributed for my victory'.

Much to everyone's shock, Bhumana Karunakar Reddy declared he won't be contesting in 2024 Elections. Generally, Leaders come up with such statements towards the end of their term. Tirupati MLA, however, disclosed his resolution within days after getting elected.

Bhumana opined YS Jaganmohan Reddy is working like no other Chief Minister. He appeared to be extremely happy with the decisions taken by Yuva Neta as CM of AP so far.

YCP Leaders firmly believe Jagan would continue as AP CM for at least three more terms. Then, Why does Bhumana wants to retire so early?


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