BRS/TRS To Win Just A Single Seat?

Many say that BRS might win just a single seat that too in Medak. If things get worse the party might not win that seat too.

Update: 2024-03-12 11:10 GMT

BRS which was TRS earlier has the legacy of being in power in Telangana for two terms. In the first and second elections after the state formation, the party won the elections. Party chief KCR even wanted to enter National politics and bring an alternative front at the Centre.

All this was history and the party was dealing with a crisis. There is an opinion that KCR who once dominated state politics became zero. Adding more fears to the condition there is also a fear that BRS might be closed with a poor election performance.

The BRS party entered the elections with a lot of expectations. The party sounded so confident of a third win with the leaders making tall claims that voters will bless KCR one more time. But the election result came as a big shock. With this, the party pinned high hopes of a comeback with the Lok Sabha polls.

At a time when the party wants to make a comeback with the Lok Sabha, a discussion had started on whether the party would win just one seat. Many say that BRS might win just a single seat that too in Medak. If things get worse the party might not win that seat too.

Earlier there used to be a big rush among leaders to contest on the BRS ticket. If the party announces tickets the aspirants would stand in a big Q to get the B form for the elections. But the situation has changed now as it is said that there are no candidates to contest the elections.

The BJP is getting stronger in the state slowly. Its strength is such that it might crush the BRS which might trigger its collapse. BJP's gain in BRS party's loss is the opinion now. Even Prashant Kishor said the same earlier. On top of growing BJP's strength in the state, Narendra Modi's wave would also leave a big impact on the party and hinder the winning chances of the party.

Another threat the BRS has is the Congress party which is in power. Firebrand leader Revanth Reddy is the Chief Minister now. His wave is intact in the state which is an added threat to the BRS in the Lok Sabha elections.

It is being reported that BRS is likely to get just a single seat which is Medak. Winning the seat is also dependent on the Siddipet seat. If the BJP can spread its wings and win that seat too then the BRS would have a threat of winning zero seats which is nothing but a closer of the party.

Former Chief Minister KCR is yet to become active in politics and aggressively target the opponents. He is not being his best which is not good for the party. KCR not entering the Assembly even weeks after losing the elections gave the Congress party an opportunity to target him.

KTR who was earlier dubbed as the next Chief Minister is unable to pull off a KCR. KTR is a good speaker and orator and there is no doubt in this. However, there is a criticism that KTR appears to be going out of the line to target the opponents. Be it his social media posts or attacks they are not getting the required attention.

Former MP Kavitha also became silent of late. Earlier she used to get attention with her work, be it conducting Bathukamma celebrations or attacking the opponents. But her name being dragged in the Liquor scam dented all of this. She is having a tough time with the case and the case is used as an issue to attack her and the party. The one case had sidelined everything she had done.


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